Patient Search

Selecting the 'Patients' tab in the top menu will allow searching for patient records, primarily by name and date of birth. If that isn't enough to clearly identify a patient, other fields like phone number, address, and email address are also available.

Patient Record

Selecting a patient from the returned search result set will display the Patient Record for that patient including a list of visits/encounters.

See All Patient Info button - Leads to the patient information screen

Recent Progress Note button - Leads to the most recent progress note


All of the patient's encounters will be displayed within the patient record. Staff are able to select the 'Visit info' and 'Progress Note' buttons which directs the user to the patient's visit details and progress note for that visit.

Selecting the 'New Visit' button allows the user to book a new visit for the patient. Staff select the visit type, office and either search for the patient or add the patient manually to book their visit and send them the paperwork to complete.

Patient Follow-up

Staff are able to create two different types of patient follow-up visits (a visit over the phone),

  1. Telephone Encounter

  2. Non-Billable

Patient follow-up visits can be left 'open' or close them by selecting the checkbox 'mark as resolved'.

New Patient Follow-up

Staff can add a patient follow-up encounter by capturing information about the encounter like 'Reason' and 'Type' and annotate as to whether the follow-up was resolved.

Patient Documents

Patient documents will be organized in folders on the patient record. Documents will either be uploaded manually or automatically sent to the appropriate folder from the registration and visit level. Staff are also able to download and print uploaded documents.

Currently, the user can manually upload documents and photo ID automatically uploads to Photos.

Patient Information

Staff are able to edit patient information. This information includes

  1. Patient demographic details, such as name, DOB, sex, address, email, mobile number, as well as ethnicity, race, pronouns, preferred language.

  2. Primary care physician details, including name, address, practice name, phone number,

  3. Patient insurance information, responsible party details

  4. User settings (consent forms, mark a patient as inactive or deceased).