Building Your Workflows on Oystehr
Developing and Deploying Apps

Developing and Deploying Apps


  1. Meet with our team to discuss your application and whether it's a good fit for both of us, optional. You can schedule a meeting on oystehr.com (opens in a new tab).
  2. Get set up with a sandbox project. We can do this for you after a meeting, or you can fill out the form on oystehr.com (opens in a new tab).
  3. Build your application. If you would like support from our team, you can message us in our Slack server (opens in a new tab) or on email at [email protected].
  4. Set up Oystehr services. Some of these you can set up yourself, and some we need to set up for you. For more information, please refer to the services section in this document.
  5. For each additional environment needed for your team's development process, create a project in the developer console.
  6. To set up your application in production, first create a new project and then contact our team for production setup.

Going Live in Production

Before we set up a production project, you need to complete the following:

Then we will set up the desired project for production.

We recommend letting us know your plan for going live so we can work with you to make sure everything is set up.


ServiceAmount of time to go live
AppApplications: Immediate, self-setup
Email users: Immediate, self-setup
Passwordless users: Immediate, self-setup
SSO users: Some setup with our team is needed. This is generally a few hours.
FHIRImmediate, self-setup
IAMImmediate, self-setup
MessagingPhone number: Can be anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the type of phone number.
Conversations: Some setup with our team is needed. This is generally a few hours.
Transactional SMS: Immediate once a number is set up.
Inbound SMS: Some setup with our team is needed. This is generally a few hours.
RCMSome setup with our team is needed. This is generally a few hours but can sometimes be a few days.
TelemedImmediate, self-setup
eRxSome setup with our team is needed. This is generally a few hours but can sometimes be a few days.
Z3Immediate, self-setup
ZambdaImmediate, self-setup