
The eRx Service is currently in beta.

eRx Service

The eRx service provides the basis for building prescription workflows directly into your applications. Prescribers send prescriptions to pharmacies electronically, and patients manage the pickup process.

Prescriptions are made via embedded UI components (opens in a new tab) and facilitated by Photon Health (opens in a new tab). If you'd like to go straight to prescribing, you can use the eRx Prescribing guide.

eRx Service on FHIR

The eRx Service integrates with the FHIR Service. When you create or update a new patient record, you then sync (opens in a new tab) the patient's latest information to the eRx service. This means that when prescribers create a new prescription, you can easily select the patient from the list of available patients. For more information, see Patient Sync.

Beta Access

The eRx Service is currently in beta. Please reach out to [email protected] to request access.

Sandbox Environment

All new projects are initially set in sandbox mode. This mode allows you to test the eRx features using Neutron without affecting real medical services. Sandbox mode ensures that you can fully test integrations, and workflows before going live.


The eRx Service does not yet support FHIR R5 (opens in a new tab).