Registering a Fax Number
The Fax Service is currently in beta.

Registering a Fax Number

To onboard a fax number to your project, you can use the onboard endpoint. This will purchase a fax number and associate it with your project.

Similarly, the offboard endpoint will permanently release the number. If you onboard again, there is no way to guarantee you get the same number back.

Onboarding a Fax Number

To onboard a fax number, call the onboarding endpoint in the fax API:

Onboard a fax number using the v3 SDK
import Oystehr from '@oystehr/sdk';
const oystehr = new Oystehr({
  accessToken: "<your_access_token>",
const response = await oystehr.fax.onboard();

A successful response would return your fax number in E.164 format:

  "faxNumber": "+12223334444"

Offboarding a Fax Number

To offboard your fax number, call the offboarding endpoint in the fax API:

Onboard a fax number using the v3 SDK
import Oystehr from '@oystehr/sdk';
const oystehr = new Oystehr({
  accessToken: "<your_access_token>",
const response = await oystehr.fax.offboard();

A successful response will only return a 204 status code.

The Fax feature does not yet support FHIR R5 (opens in a new tab).