Resources describe the type and scope of data being acted on.
— All resourcesFHIR:*
— All FHIR resourcesFHIR:Patient:*
— All FHIR Patient resourcesFHIR:Patient:ac3bfe9b-50bd-4559-b844-314fba9dff1e
— Specific FHIR Patient resource
Resource identifier format
Every resource in Oystehr, with the exception of Z3, has an ID and type. All resources' types are grouped into services.
Resource identifiers have the format service:resource_type:resource_id
. Each can use a wildcard *
or be omitted in order to specify all values; however, a wildcard cannot be followed by a specific resource type or ID.
For example:
or *:*
or *:*:*
— any resource in any service.
or FHIR:*
or FHIR:*:*
— any resource in the FHIR service.
or Zambda:Secret:*
— any Secret in the Zambda service.
Resources in Oystehr
Service | Resource Type | Resource Id pattern | Is Default Resource Type |
App | Application | App:Application:${uuid} | |
App | User | App:User:${uuid} | |
Fax | Fax | Fax:Fax | |
Fax | Number | Fax:Onboard | |
Fax | Number | Fax:Offboard | |
FHIR | {FhirResource} | FHIR:{FhirResource}:${uuid} | |
IAM | M2MClient | IAM:M2MClient:${uuid} | |
IAM | Developer | IAM:Developer:${uuid} | |
IAM | Role | IAM:Role:${uuid} | |
Messaging | Messaging | Messaging | |
Messaging | TransactionalSMS | Messaging:TransactionalSMS | |
Messaging | Conversation | Messaging:Conversation | |
Project | Settings | Project:Settings | |
RCM | Claim | RCM:Claim | |
RCM | InsuranceEligibility | RCM:InsuranceEligibility | |
Telemed | Room | Telemed:Room | |
Telemed | Meeting | Telemed:Meeting | |
Z3 | Path | Z3:${path} | TRUE |
Zambda | Function | Zambda:Function:${uuidOrName} | |
Zambda | Secret | Zambda:Secret:${name} | |
eRx | Medication | eRx:Medication:${uuid} | |
eRx | Allergy | eRx:Allergy:${uuid} | |
eRx | Patient | eRx:Patient:${uuid} | |
eRx | Enrollment | eRx:Enrollment | |
Payment | PaymentMethod | Payment:PaymentMethod | |
Payment | Charge | Payment:Charge | |
Lab | Order | Lab:Order | |
Lab | Route | Lab:Route | |
Lab | OrderableItem | Lab:OrderableItem |
Z3:Path is unique in that it encompasses three types of underlying resources corresponding to levels in Z3 storage space: buckets, folders within buckets, and objects. The relationship between these resources allows them to be consolidated to a single resource type in Oystehr, which we call a "Path".
Using a Path we might reference...
— All bucketsZ3:SomeBucketName
— A particular bucketZ3:SomeBucketName/*
— All folders and objects within a bucketZ3:SomeOtherBucketName/SomeSubfolder/SomeDeeperSubfolder
— A particular subfolder in a particular bucketZ3:SomeOtherBucketName/SomeSubfolder/SomeDeeperSubfolder/*
— All objects and subfolders within a folderZ3:AnotherBucketName/SomeSubfolder/SomeDeeperSubfolder/MyJson.json
— One specific object in a bucket
When you craft a rule targeting a Z3 Path, Oystehr will parse the expression to determine whether it refers to a bucket, folder, or object. Keep in mind that some Z3 actions must target a bucket, while some others must target an object.