

Create your free Oystehr Developer account:

Developer Console

Your Oystehr Developer account invitation comes as a password reset email. After setting your password, you will be redirected to the Developer Console. The Developer Console provides a simple user interface to:

  • View and create FHIR resources
  • Invite Developers to your Oystehr Project
  • Deploy and monitor Zambda Functions

Screenshot of Oystehr Developer Console Landing Page

Postman Collection

The Oystehr Postman collection provides a path for making API calls to all of Oystehr's endpoints with just a few clicks. Click, the "Run in Postman" button below to fork the collection:

Run in Postman (opens in a new tab)

Screenshot of Oystehr API Postman Collection

To use the API requests in the Postman collection, you must also use the Oystehr Postman environment and configure two of its environment variables. These environment variables are used for authentication with the Oystehr APIs. In the left-most menu in the Postman UI, select "Environments", then choose "Oystehr API Environment".

You will find placeholders that need to be set for the following variables:

  • bearerToken
  • projectId
Screenshot of Oystehr API Environment Variables

On the Oystehr Developer Console (opens in a new tab) landing page, you'll find buttons you can click to copy both your Developer access token and Project ID. Paste them into the matching environment variables in the Postman environment.

Finally, in the top right of the Postman UI, select the "Oystehr API Environment" by clicking the dropdown that has "No environment" selected.

Ottehr — The Open Source Telehealth EHR

Ottehr Logo

Ottehr (opens in a new tab) is an open source telehealth EHR that runs on Oystehr, showing off much of its functionality. Forking the Ottehr repository is the fastest way to get started with building apps on Oystehr.

Continue Quickstart by Cloning and Running Ottehr