Oystehr Services


The App Service facilitates login and user management for projects built on Oystehr. It consists of two resources:

  • Applications — Applications provide authentication for the web and mobile apps you build on top of Oystehr. You will configure a Oystehr Application for any project that needs Oystehr login support, such as a patient portal or a provider-facing EHR system. Then, when Users log into your apps, they will authenticate with Oystehr and receive an access token which is used to call Oystehr APIs.
  • Users — Users are the people who log into your apps. For example, you might have patient Users who log into a patient portal, or provider Users who log into a provider-facing EHR system. Users can be invited, or they can sign themselves up, depending on your Application's configuration.


The FHIR Service is our implementation of the many rules and guidelines in the FHIR specification (opens in a new tab). FHIR is a community-maintained, healthcare-specific data model and API specification.


The Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service consists of three resources: Developers, M2M Clients, and Roles.

  • Developers — Accounts used to log into the Developer Console (opens in a new tab) and administrate Projects.
  • M2M Clients — Use Machine-to-Machine Clients to call Oystehr APIs from Zambda Functions and scripts.
  • Roles — Assign roles to Developers, M2M Clients, and Users to grant access to Oystehr services in a reusable way.


The Messaging Service provides HIPAA-compliant rails for building healthcare messaging workflows. The messaging service is integrated with the Oystehr FHIR Service so that when you send SMS messages or create Conversations, they are automatically documented in the clinical record.

The Messaging Service has two components:

  • Transactional SMS — Send texts to patients and providers. These are typically appointment reminders, medication reminders, and other automated messages.
  • Conversations — Multi-channel HIPAA-compliant chat rooms. Conversations are a powerful way to build custom workflows that require real-time communication between providers and/or patients. For example, you might create a Conversation for providers using a webapp to discuss a patient's care plan. Or, you might create a Conversation where a provider messages with a patient through a web app, and the patient receives and responds to messages via SMS on their phone.


The Project Service enables configuration of project-wide settings.


The Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Service provides API endpoints for performing insurance eligibility checks and managing insurance claims end-to-end.

  • Eligibility — Submit patient insurance information and receive a response detailing the patient's coverage and benefits information.
  • Claims — Submit insurance claims and check claim status so that you can revise and resubmit claims as needed. The Claims service is currently in development. See the Roadmap for more information.


The Telemed Service allows you to build cross-platform video calls into your applications. For example, you can use Telemed to create a video call where patients join from a mobile application while a provider joins from their desktop.


The Z3 Service provides secure file storage and retrieval as a managed service.


The Zambda Service provides serverless API and function-as-a-service for your custom code. Zambda Functions can be used to process data received from Oystehr's APIs or to perform operations on third-party services. Zambda Functions give developers the flexibility to customize and extend Oystehr's functionality to meet their unique requirements. Zambda Secrets provide a secure way to store and access sensitive information such as API keys and database credentials in your Zambda Functions.